Saturday, March 6, 2010

What is The Meaning Of Life...

Life from my point of view is a mixture of events done by people whom represent a part of my life as well as I represent a part of theirs... These events I react with it by feelings , like sadness , happiness, love...And lot more.
When I think about life..Hundreds of thoughts passes by my mind,I think about how did I ended up on what am I now..I think about the people whom I met , I think of a way to improve my life , and make it as successful as I can , because every beat of my a second passed from my it is better for me to make use of these seconds..and live my life...because my heart is not gonna keep beating forever.
It is not a shame if I failed in achieving my goal , and I'm not gonna give excuses by saying " I did my best " , because this excuse is for losers...It doesn't matter if I fall down , what really matters is to get up on my feet again , learn a lesson from my fall , and keep going with my life....
No body can go back and make a new beginning , but only the brave one can start today , and make a new ending.
I believe that there is no happy life , and no sad one as well...I believe that I can make my life as I want it to be , and that can be done by concentrating on the important components of life , by being wise in choosing the people who share me my life , share me my opinion , people who stand by my side when I need to....People who share me the moment......And these people are my family , and my friends...And I'm happy with them :)

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